Friday, March 21, 2008

Weasels and coffee.

Another mini-post: This has to be one of the world's strangest products. Oh, and I'd say that the phrase "no one knows why they do this" has several layers of metaphoric meaning here.

This all started from a conversation about scorpions in vodka, by the way. Apparently, you see, they stick an actual scorpion in an actual bottle of vodka, and then said vodka is drunk. I don't know why anyone does that either, but at least that's got a layer of weirdly awesome on top of the insanity. The weasel thing is just plain insanity.


evieperkins said...

Wow, weird weird weird

Shana said...

Huh. Fascinating.

Aegis Runestone said...

... they eat it then spew it back out for us to eat/drink it!? Ew.