Saturday, June 14, 2008

The End of the Internet

I made an attempt at productive catching up on things today. It went okay. I ran out of places to stick things a while ago, so I've purchased a bunch of big plastic cabinets for organizing my stuff. Hopefully this will help me get clutter down to a saner level. Of course, there is always the rather high risk that the clutter will be increased by a net total of several big plastic cabinets; we'll just have to see.

I've been thinking about buying an electric piano again. I have a decent MIDI setup on my computer, and I have several half-finished computer programs which I was writing to teach myself to sight-read. Real pianos have a much better sound, but electric pianos have the enormous advantage of being usable while wearing headphones, which is particularly nice for composing stuff -- I can play something incredibly repetitive or not-quite-right without worrying about irritating the neighbors (never mind the roommate). I bought myself a little keyboard a while ago, and while it's definitely a step up from typing notes in by name, it's kind of cramped.

Speaking of which, I've noticed that it's gotten more difficult for me to do creative things on a computer. I think it's because I use them as a tool far more than I use them as a toy anymore, and it's kind of sad. It used to be that the only reason I'd ever use a word processor was for writing a story, but now word processors put me in technical report mode. I still write short stories occasionally, but now it's almost all written out with a pencil and paper. The same seems to go for composition, somewhat--I have a couple ideas bouncing around, but I'm having an awfully difficult time actually staying focused enough to get them down.

Perhaps the problem is really habitual multi-tasking. When I first started using computers, they didn't have any kind of network connection at all, and you could only really use one program at a time. Maybe the endless distraction of hopping on the web, dashing off instant messages, or checking e-mail is detrimental. Perhaps I should try unplug the network cable sometime and see how it goes.


Shana said...

Definitely disable the Internet. You can get all kinds of stuff done.

Cavan said...

Amen to Shana

Damaris said...

The faster/easier it is to do things, the more there is to do. I third the opinion to disable the internet. Just like I'm not doing right now.

Have fun with a new keyboard. Only three more years and we get our piano back!