Saturday, March 04, 2006

Flying Two Spaceships Simultaneously

This post is making fun of my roommate, though hopefully in a nice way. This is a shot of his desk, where he is playing video games on two computers simultaneously. And you thought you were coordinated because you can play just the one -- no no! He can do TWO!

You'll also note that it's the same game on both screens. Well, perhaps you won't, but it is. In this case, the game is called Eve Online. It's an MMORPG (that's a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, for the acronym weenies), much like EverQuest or Worlds of WarCraft. Except that this isn't your older brother's Tolkienesque MMORPG -- no, this one takes place entirely in space, and sends its players zinging back and forth across some giant starfield, where you mine asteroid belts, play the intergalactic stock market, build corporations and space stations, and (very importantly) blow each other up.

The roommate has made some effort to get me to try it, but so far I've resisted. The economics look interesting, but I'm not a huge fan of cyberpunk. I am really excited about this game, though. I love the idea of decent procedural and player-generated content, and Will Wright has got me all excited now. I met Will Wright at SIGGraph 2002 (mostly at Demoscene events), and you'll notice that he gives the Demoscene a plug in the video that I linked to.


Cavan said...

I want to come over and play video games today because my friends are weenies and have other things to do

Adam said...

Yay for Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.

Anonymous said...

hmm seems like cheating playing to characters at once. I supose you have to pay for both of them. which does make it more fair.

Adam said...

Apparently there's a fair amount of built-in support for playing multiple characters at once, and yes, you do have to pay for both of them. So the company really doesn't care.

Two characters at once doesn't really help in leveling on Eve, since all the skills leveling is time-based. It mostly helps with transportation and coordination issues.