Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tokyo Disney Resort

We have to get up kind of early, so unfortunately this post will be very short.

1. We're going to ride a shinkansen [train] tomorrow. Hooray! They go about 200 miles an hour, which is fricken awesome.

2. It's a little hard to find a laundromat in Tokyo. We need one.

3. Tokyo Disney Resort was fun. For some reason, Stitch has completely supplanted Mickey as the mascot here -- yeah, the little blue alien from Lilo & Stitch. He is stupid popular. There's piles and piles of Stitch merchandise, and the sign at the entrance reads "Tokyo Disney Resort/
Find Stitch!" There's a Stitch on every ride, I think, and a bunch of other places as well. Sure he's cute, but ... really? He even has his own dedicated parade, complete with some kind of 'Aloha' song.

4. Tapioca in a mango juice drink? Weird but ... kinda gooey. Fun.

5. I ate a Disney churro. It was pretty good.

6. "It's a Small World" as a song still sticks in your head, even if it's in Japanese.

Tomorrow will probably be comparatively boring, so maybe I'll have time to upload photos tomorrow. Maybe.


Shana said...

I love those tapioca drinks -- the best place was in Salt Lake, but it's a bar now. I would like to be invited to the milk boil you host upon your return!

Cavan said...

Are the tapioca drinks similar to the ones you get here with big marbles of tapioca blobbing around in them?

I hate Stitch, and I want to kill him. That said, however, there was a child with a mental disability that I knew in New York who learned Stitch's language.

Ocouss said...

I think the getting it stuck in your head is the true meaning of 'It's a Small World.' It gets even worse when someone in your family loves the song so has many different music boxes that play it...especially if a young child gets ahold of all of them at once.