Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spam and egg sandwiches

A whole crowd of us have been frequenting L&L Hawaiian Barbecue recently (it's just north of Provo High). Their main appeal seems to be that they sell genuine Hawaiian food. Until recently, I had to plead ignorance on what exactly that meant -- I mean, I've had ham and pineapple on pizzas, sure, and I've had sweet-and-sour chicken with pineapple in it, but apparently there is a bunch of other stuff that Hawaiians eat. Weird, strange stuff. So I thought I'd post a sample of some of the randomness.

Possibly the most interesting one was the spam sandwich. This is something like a hamburger -- you get a fried slice of spam meat with eggs and other hamburger-esque toppings. The young lady who ordered it assures me it was delicious, and she ordered it again the second time we went, so there must be something to it.

Their "signature dish" is hamburger patties (just the meat!) with fried eggs on top. Sounds healthy, doesn't it? Far too healthy, in fact, which is why they have to add gravy. I don't know, that one might be good, but it's definitely on the unusual side.

They have a whole bunch of variations on the theme of grilled meat, and here I'm on somewhat more familiar ground. You can get barbecue beef ribs, teriyaki chicken, and kalua pig. The kalua pig there is especially good. If you imagine slow-roasted pork, cooked until it is falling apart, and salted enough to give it a flavor (pork, you know), then you're on the right track. Nearly everything is served with rice and macaroni salad.

There are a bunch of other things on the menu (salmon-patty burgers, anyone?) but we haven't tried most of it yet. You could call it a work in progress.


Shana said...

It used to throw me for a loop when Curt and I would visit Hawaii and see spam-and-egg sandwiches at McDonald's.

Curt said...

I prefer Spam grilled and packed like sushi with rice wrapped in seaweed. It is called musubi. It technically is not sushi I guess because it is not treated with vinegar. The only thing I really like from L&L's is their malasada's.