Thursday, February 12, 2009

Newly embiggened E3

I wrote an angry letter to my old apartment complex today. They jilted me on my security deposit. I'm curious how they'll respond -- it's a fairly small amount, but I still resent it when large companies pull these kinds of stunts.

And the real reason that I'm posting on my blog: A games web-site recently posted an article referring to the newly embiggened E3 to take place in 2009. For background, the (deliberate!) downsizing of the E3 convention has been a complete disaster for them, and most of the major players pulled out as it collapsed. Therefore, they recently decided to enlarge it again, which is what the article was about.

The article has since been corrected, but not before a lot of Simpsons quotes made it into the comments. Life imitates art, and American culture imitates The Simpsons.


evieperkins said...

They should have kept it and claimed it was intentional. :)

Balgram said...

Wait, what?! Why'd they take your deposit? I worked hard on that stupid apartment to avoid exactly that!

Shana said...

Way to fight the man! And I love the Simpsons. We should always imitate that show.